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Garvey Village Social Enterprise

Written by on 28 March 2021












The Garvey Village is a social enterprise that will Celebrate Our Great African Heritage by providing a Community Centre with a Difference.

The Difference being, that it will be a Base / Hub / Empowerment Centre, to help cater for a Majority of the everyday Needs of Our Community.

This website will give you a view on what we will achieve with the Garvey Village, why the social enterprise is important and how you can be come involved.

We are currently looking for donations to help us make our vision into a reality – please see the Donate page for more information.

visit the Garvey Village Social Enterprise


Reader's opinions
  1. Br. Zakayo Mfinanga   On   9 March 2022 at 01:31

    Greating to the family on the afiwe station, l would like to support the Garvey village please let me know so that l can sent my contribution to the family at ase ase aseo voodun family. Thanks family for providing such information which is needed to the community ase ase aseo. Rise up to the family eye eye eyeses.

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